Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Sien, so long also no ppl wanna post, so i come post, hoping to 吹起一阵热潮~~ like our title. haha.

I personally like this picture very much, because its taken outside V2 while Moral assignment due date is few days ahead that time. wuahaha..

one word to all of "you" guys in the picture

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Celebration reserved,,,,

Will be added Left 4 Dead impossible mode No Mercy champaign whole story...

Chai wayne and hui + one noob bot>>Bill.......

09 April 2009 --- Impossible 挑战成功

~L4D Impossible 挑战成功~

This time really 七心 lo~ we played for 3 hours and 10minutes... restarted 17times... and killed 5800+ zombies for the No Mercy Campaign. Walao... with only 3 Human players lo.. + 1 noob bot lo---Bill. Although its in memories for 3 ppl lo.. sad..

This story ler. actually have to start from noon lo.. today just went Utar to finish the report and submit only and no class one.. After that..... i still remember when chai and i discussing whether want to 烧 the circuit or not, i said " 等下v2 咯?" (v2 is a cyber cafe at wangsa maju) Then got 2 ppl scare til ride motor back home jo... hahaha.. u know who u r la har~

Then ler.. since the demo date almost come and we dont want to go to lecturer for 3 sentence early in the morning ler.. so we go 烧 the FM circuit. If early in the morning 9am go to Utar for 3 sentence then really sad case liao. The 3 sentence ill dramatise it:

Lecturer: " Does your FM transmitter work? "
w a y n e: " No. "
Lecturer: " OK. Then write your name down and u can go now. "

Finally in the end, we done our circuit jo lo.. and we fulfill another quote again..Some ppl said that: "我们的circuit 啊, 烧之前work 的咯,但是烧了过后就不work 了。" This quote also means, " 烧之前的不work, 烧了过后就会work 的啦~!!"

Of course u know that chai and mine circuit is not work before we 烧 it...and this is the circuit done. Although its our a little range--- 112MHz.. But still ~~So happy~!!

After we finish all the things and prepare to go home ler, we saw the place as shown in the picture below lo..
Walao... its really 真实版 rooftop 的 untouchable room lo...
Sigh.. then i need to 轻轻带过some part to "not important things" bout how chai come to my house with Utar Bus...


Bout night time, its look like wanna rain jo lo.. then Chai need go back home de.. so we decide to cheat teik hui come dinner 顺便 fetch Chai back and "discuss micro p assignment" ..We told him no rain here delo..infact hearing thunder storming.. but in the end we no cheat ppl pun.

~阳光普照at bout 7:30pm~

BUT,after dinner ler..... haih.. 无阴公咯.. Hui was cheated to challenge Impossible at Orange CC lo....
We play so hard lo.. keep dead dead dead.. keep incapacitated fren.. then alot 内讧also ah. haha.. cause the friendly fire in Impossible mode really pain lo.. if salah salah u shoot your teammate with the automatic shortgun ah.. immediately u lost 1 first aid kit lo.. DOWN... This happens alot times with the Bill(AI) lo.. also kena shoot infront.. "中马Bill" ah~~ Then ah.. almost every map we also restart few times lo.. sometimes when almost reaching the safehouse only all Down.. very sad one...Sigh..
Another thing which we felt that very 绝 was the Tank lo. especially the last rooftop finale. The Tank even very smart one lo. Ppl throw molotov he still can "闪Tank" to the side and wont kena 烧 gelor~ Thats y we restarted for total 17times. I believe solely in rooftop we restarted more than 10times... zzz.
haih..讲多无谓,Slide up and watch the video lo.. haha.. Enjoy..the figures..

-still haven calm down from the "rooftop" at 2:10am-

Friday, April 3, 2009

03April~~L4D fever again....Oops wrong liao...Should be HUNTER FEVER~~~!!!

Today friday....
due date for Circuit and System assignment...the 5 people group assignment...
as usual, we did the last minute work at thursday night...【really not a good habit】
whole night Skype group meeting and writing report....【really a noisy night..Lol...】

hui sleep around 3am...choy kit also...
meng wayne and chai ler..5 sth...coz kok meng did the last part-combining...
wayne and chai busy trying hunter new 招式.......【sweat~~~】

so as expected...
morning class chai no go liao...
manatau ler...
when he wake up at 12.45pm ler..he saw 2 misscalls from wayne and choykit at 12.17pm lo..he had a 不想的预感 then....
sms choykit~~no answer phone...
then should know what happened alrdy....
called wayne...
then once wayne picked up the phone, chai heard:"有witch 有witch(teik hui sound lai).......!!!"
walao...L4D lo...!!

ok lo chai then go skul attend IE class at 2pm and guai guai dei study till 6pm lo...
who knows raining ar,,,,
哎呀真系唔好彩啦~~~have to go wangsa maju V2 play L4D while waiting the rain to stop tim...哎呀我好易话为geh,无问题啦........
so....again is L4D lo...

【time:3pm++ venue:canteen 主角:Kok Meng】
Kok meng and me go canteen find wayne and teik hui...
chat chat chat..
Wayne suddenly said:"头先我地去交assignment时lecturer讲要扣分咯.....~~~"
Kok meng and i very furious:"点解啊~~???"

Kok Meng then 好大反应:“佢唔系呀嘛?咁都得?咁依家我地5个人再去交多一次咯ngai佢唔好扣分....”

i then said:"唔系好可信咯...."
Wayne and teik hui 露出淫笑...

Kok meng very fast:"其实我都已经知道左geh不过系想配合阿wayne姐....."

Wayne terus 开枪咯:“俾佢兜~~~~~”

ALL 爆笑...........

P/S:【Sorry KokMeng not my fault i don wan laugh de...】

Monday, March 30, 2009

30/3~~~Fever + flu....What a power system test ~~!!!

juz a word lo..
i mean the Power System test..
don think too much...

the test today is just all about copy..copy..copy and copy...
don wanna mention it again..
mention also sad.

juz wanna tell that im fever plus flu lo today..
such condition still wan me face midterm test...
really scare later i 承受不住 die jor..

cincai la tats all..
no mood....

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Due to魔鬼赛程~~One week 3 assignments and 2 lab reports..and powersystem test on 30/03.. will stop operate for one and half week...

will 重见天日 at 30/03/09!!!

Words from I.Akimoto~ Hopefully this 魔鬼赛程 wont incapacitated us all lar~ Good Luck to all 3E student....


Sunday, March 22, 2009

oh my saturday

this is my 1st blog in our3estory
saturday morning i actually plan to 睡到自然醒 de
but tai wei invite me out
so i 8am go to bus stop wait bus
damn waited 40++ mins only bus arrived

then i finnaly reach my destination at 10 sumthingv2?
kok tai wei wor
go cc sure impossible la

actually the plan is go to TJH hse where opp to v2 la
then stay there do homework do so long
tai wei really a good student

when i going back home that time i see this notice
parkir wor
i also not sure what meaning
but i guess should be parking gua...
then go check this word actually is from bahasa indonesian 1
learn a new word today


Friday, March 20, 2009

20 March~~All ROding~~Ragnarok Online2.....

Morning class 10am...
Attended the class...
Grab some important knowledge from the new Analogue Communication lecturer..
Thanks so much...
Oops...Sorry wayne and choykid...
提起你地geh伤心事tim~~~你地好似没睇过呢个新lecturer hor??
【Wonder why u all attendance full 1....Haha..】

Again is TBR 斋饭 but then we need to 3-P becoz kok meng motor donno lend to whom liao...
after that we back UTAR and go lab see people do Analogue Assignment..
only can see becoz all components with choykid and he's still sleeping at that time...
teik hui call him and wake him up...
then teik hui started to ngam ngam cham cham~~“仲要等咁耐,不如番屋企ROding lo【玩RO啊~~】”

I pula give "morning" call to ah Wayne and ask him follow choykid car come together lo..

then something very 绝 lo...
once teik hui knew ah wayne had already wake up ler..
he started tak boleh tahan liao..
he said:"惨了咯~~ah wayne 还在家里要等choy kit过来~~一定是ROding了的咯!!!"

I tahan him becoz i thought choy kit alrdy on da way liao...
【tat time is around 12sth...】
who knows when choy kid reach UTAR time is alrdy 1 sth lo..
when hui know tat wayne Level alrdy 48 he like a bit tak siok lo..

finally we back earlier due to raining...
i only know wayne and hui very happy only coz they can start ROding again...
RO 真是害人不浅~~~!!!

19th March~~Walao IE lecture still brave sleep???

Who say i capture da gal???
capture kok meng la!!!



Well, due to the bad mood after having microprocessor quiz i hv stop blogging at 18th March...
【actually who also know is becoz of lazy la~~~Lol..】

ermm...this morning ler..19th march thursday morning class~9am...
successfully wake up and attend class on so proud...
Introductory Electromagnetics lecture...
Haih the midterm test score quite low...Maybe is time t concentrate at class??
Hopefully la har...

Anyway i managed to settle the 2 hours lecture without fishing or sleeping lo..
but the two guys beside me always smoke me join game lo...u see the photo above there u know what happened la har...
【why use smoke??ok for those never play Left 4 Dead before de i will explain here..
In the game,smoker is a zombie who will use the very long tongue to pull people~~So here the word "smoke" is a 动词 meaning 拉....】

Fortunately i didn't join their game lo..
ei wait...
where the rest??
i remember phek hong did come also...
but tai wei, hanting, jun huat, wayne, choy kid all become 逃学威龙 again lo..
Congrat to them...

Another story during that morning was that when me and teik hui reach the hall....
We saw one gal sitting alone next row to us【The one captured together with Kok Meng sleeping photo~~】..
then Kok meng came in and Teik Hui said:"佢咁寂寞~仲唔过去陪人地?"


Btw that day we settle power system lab report liao we go TBR eat 斋饭 and donno why ler after that we automatically go to V2 报道 lo...
Again is LEFT 4 DEAD...

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

17 March - 最多人DOWN 的一天~ Part 1

Sigh.. actually ler, i already finish typed this post liao de, but due to the line problem ler, i need to rewrite the whole post again.. haih.

In short ler, its all bout the microprocessor quiz lo.. that make all of us down lo..Yesterday ler, i said something very juet de, which is "microprocessor quiz jemah, no need study one, because it's a open book quiz". But then ler, dono y at the midnight, got 3 ppl discussing the quiz over skype lo. which are kok meng, chai and wayne lo. haih.( if u dono who is wayne ler, better move your cursor the the upper right of this window and click the X button.)

Then very 搞笑ly they study till 440am lo. zzz. before sleep ler, they said when wake up then morning call others to tutorial class.. but u guys know what? got one ppl's phone no battery lo.. still want to charge at UTAR lo. so lucky that he can wake up lo.~!!

(reserve for witness)

Then is the quiz time lo.. and i regret what i said lo.. the quiz is really hard lo.. hard in confusing ppl's mind.. as u all know this subject is bout assembly programming which is higher level than C programming.. haih.. hopefully can pass looooooooo...

After quiz and another tutorial ler.. we go to do analogue report at MU Old Town lo..Then ler... then ler... then ler... then ler.. then ler... then ler...
Please wait for the part 2 la..
cause now is 418am liao lo.. another night i sleep so early lo~!!!
just finish report la~~~!!!
-half dead, brother of half life-

Monday, March 16, 2009

16th March Monday【先晴天后雨天】~~要Quiz左啦......仲Left 4 Dead


After class due to raining...ah wayne kena we smoke jor go play LEFT 4 DEAD..
so pity us...Haha
but i wanna share something happened morning...

Morning very happy....Coz i succesfully wake up and attended the 9am class【although i late 5 minutes...Lol】~~Analogue Communication by new lecturer.
Yeah i like the new Lecturer....!!!
Quite clear lo his lecture....
At least 5 times greater than the previous 1...The previous 1 i only remember when he talks i will sleep【should say we will sleep】...

but got something i wanna conclude lo...
我听得很精彩~~teik hui, tai wei, phek hong 他们睡得很高兴......

i late a bit so i sit one row behind teik hui them lo...
i found that teik hui and tai wei them keep on fishing lo..
i wanna capture photo 1...but i need concentrate study so i no diu them....
【but say really is becoz too in front liao scare let lecturer know....】

11am~~Class finished...
only i discovered that choy kit also at DK2A wor...
we guess he juz arrived but he said he was here since 9.15am....Lol...
What a surprise!!!!
Kok meng ah wayne...你地惭唔惭愧啊!!!???

So me choy kit and teik hui go eat lo..
at TBR 斋饭~~~
eat eat eat..
talk about teik hui printer no ink jor...
he complaint his printer re-fill ink jor but still cannot print..
choy kit keep on laughing at him for donno how 2 refill...

then i told teik hui:"不要re-fill 啦,cartridge几十块罢了嘛~~俾佢!!"
then teik hui:"痴线geh!!!几十块!!!"
choy kit"........"

say really at that time i really thought i out-dated liao...coz his 语气 so sure and say me "Siao啊你!!"

i turn 2 choy kit and say:"乜唔系几十蚊咩?"
choy kit:"系咯~~50-60咁咯..."

teik hui heard liao then said to me:"都讲jor唔系几十蚊架啦~~~~"

choy kit"........"

p/s:me and choy kit laugh jor very long......

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Bad mood-ing~~竟然落井下石?

My favourite team lost one match..
home match tim...

for sure mood bad d...
mana tau...
got one good classmate purposely called me..
once i answered the call i thought got wat wat assignment de thing wan discuss with me..
who knows i heard a long laugh~~then he said:"曼联输左wor....."
then cut sin....

come on...
lets guess who is that???
1.Ngai kok meng

come la guess la...

Friday, March 13, 2009


go type 小公主浪迹天涯 u can see de lo..
u all better be carefull liao..
more and more traffic will be directed to this blog de due to the high demand on 江若琳 blog...

Hold the fire....

This few days our geng like to play fire lo..Dunno started from when.No matter discuss things or playing game...Dunno why u all so like 内讧,everytime cakap cakap then sudden u can heard dunno who with who will start the fire....Mayb this is so call 插出火花,一发不能收拾。。

13rd March~~Ms Thong,后悔已经太迟啦,一早就应该咁样教啦!!!

Our Introductory Electromagnetics third Lecturer>>>Ms Thong finally 知错啦....
After 误人子弟 for half semester, at the last two lectures 【total 3 hours】, she started to teach very clear.

But....the rest....what we learn from her is that her sound volume very low【perhaps she should use a better designed amplifier】, and her hand writing very small....
Once u enter the hall late and sit too far away from her, u will hear nothing.
My best experience is that i found out that her speaking sounds like mosquito flying around ur ears, something like 呜呜呜呜呜~~~

I feel like im 孙悟空 and she is 唐三藏~~
She starts to 念紧箍咒and i very suffer....

so now hor..the last two lectures she starts to teach very clear lo..
Once she finished one new topic ler, normally she will slow down and re-teach again if got ppl showing blur blur de face to her..

Last time no such thing de lo, she will say:"This one no problem har?? ok no problem...."【自问自答???7新~~~!!!】
or like this “Izzit ok??no objection means ok la..ok done”
or like this "Any problem?i assume u all ok ya..ok done..."

According to teik hui she teach more clear liao becoz she saw our midterm test result very bad liao she regret jor...
Our batch de highest mark also 63 only..Phek hong..
62 de is Kok meng..ask him 请吃饭 but he act like nothing happen..孤寒到死~~Lol...

Well, hopefully we all wont 上车 in this subject la...
Again is HOPEFULLY !!!!

p/s:this subject is 30:70 de...30% candidates pass;70% fail de....

Thursday, March 12, 2009

11 march --废话!!

Haih.. Actually dy past for sometime this incident.. Almost forgotten liao.. But someone ask me to post bout it.. Then i try to think back bout it.. Actually its really very 绝~!

话说当日, When we preparing for the Circuit and System midterm test...Its already in the lecture hall prepare to fight liao... Then we just chit-chat there lo, then dono why ler some conversation as following came out from us..

Chai      : This time sure get low marks la....
Hui       : U always also say u get the lowest mark dela, but in the end u always get the highest                      mark~
Chai     : 边度有??
Forgot who lai : deh, the C programming ler...(i think is me myself.XD)
Hui       : That time i get the lowest mark lo..
Wayne(to Chai): Yalo, that time C programming we 2 get the highest in coursework lo.. 
Chai   : 废话!!
Wayne: ..................

The conversation still continue.........

The keyword for today is "废话"........It seems like me and chai getting highest mark in C programming is a must....... This is too 绝 joh lo..Learnt new lesson liao lo.... Remember to tell ppl this keywords when what the ppl said is meaningless lo..

“废话” = Fei Hua


12nd March~~The day after watching ManUtd UEFA Champions League Match!!!

At 1st is for sure Glory Glory Manutd!!!

Then the second thing for sure is DAMN TIRED!!!

Wow...Live match ended at 5sth....and our class starts at 9am...
I managed 2 wake up at 815am wor!!!!
Congrats to me again!!!

9am class~~Intoductory Electromagnectic~again the boring subject..
But unexpectedly, me and teik hui succesfuly follow her lecture today.
What a surprise...
According 2 teik hui ler..It is becoz of she know wrong jor, becoz 4 sure all our midterm test must be very 烂 the results. So now she wanna 弥补 and hence teach better lo...

Wait, why talk about me and teik hui only de...??
Another few guys ler??
Well, today morning sessions they skip again...
They are Wayne, meng and kit...
Well done..!!!

Fortunately thing is that the Power System lab report can be postponed to next week and hence we finished class at 3pm happily.
After finishing class i go out DK there to refill water lo.
Kit go toilet, then hui, wayne and meng go kap kap around lo while waiting【kap wat??i donno lo..Lol】

So i was sitting at the chair outside DK2A lo..
Choy Kit come meet us after toilet and 3 or 4 of us sitting at the chair there.
At this time, all people become 沉默 jor...
All people like already know what will happen next....!!

I start to hold my face and head...
Shouting there:“唔好呀,我要返屋企训觉啊!!!”

At that moment i can feel that the four guys besides me all entering spawn mode already【Left Four Dead~~all of them are zombies!!!!!】.
Coz i heard something very 恐怖~~~

I heard :“Smoke 佢,佢返屋企都系训觉既jek....”
Got people laughing there...【He think he is Laughing哥???pui】
got people start 推卸责任~~
Kok meng start 1st, he said:"ah wayne on 我 on"
wayne very 配合咯,he said:"teik hui on i on..."
teik hui:"choy kit on 我on"
diu...choy kit sure say on 1 need say jor..

then i heard got people say sth tim:"只要有4个人同意ah chai無得反對jor......"

一個字, 勁!!!
就系gam,我被佢地smoke jor去打left 4 dead 啦!!!

One of the smoker~~Outside V2~~

All devil frens!!!!!
Left 4 Dead 真系害人不淺!!!

p/s:Finally after back home and finish dinner at 6 sth liao i start sleep at 7 sth until 12pm lo...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

10 March~~又有笑话啦!!Skip class...but no Body help me take attendance lo...Sienz!!!!!

Donno how 2 say...
Xtually ler..Teik hui got help us sign 1...
but too many people skip class liao other than me...
they are choy kit wayne and jun huat lo...

所谓“纸始终包不住火”~~So many signature but less people in class...
i heard from Fai Ko(辉哥) is like tat la..
alrdy sign jor..
but the Analougue lecturer sendiri gatal people name pula...
at 1st kok meng help choy kit raise hand...
tai wei help jun huat raise hand...
teik hui help himself raise hand...

everyone thought 安全过关 can enter saferoom jor...
who knows..
b4 finish tutorial he 食过返寻味 ~~再来一炮!!!!
this time he called all name.....

when he called my name body raise hand 4 me lo...
but nvm...ah wayne also da same....hahahahahahaha...

most pity story is our course rep~~Phek Hong lo...!!
juz now i said tai wei alrdy help jun huat raise hand ma...
so at that time ler..phek hong go toilet lo..
but lecturer calling tai wei name..but no one dare raise hand 4 him(including himself)..
coz all alrdy 蒲头 jor...
then our tai wei koko very 绝lo~~
He said:"tai wei is the one go toilet juz now....."

so finally ler...The pity Phek Hong come liao become no come also lo..
What a sad ending....

P/S:may i laugh????

Monday, March 9, 2009

09 March~ Night of MCd..CS lab report aRRR!!!!

Well, CS not counter strike...It's Circuit and System...!!!!
We need to settle lab report coz need 2 submit on tuesday...
Diao, wan test liao still need submit report!!!!

Today climax~~~Our Fai Ko very 絕 lo...

After done doing all our lab reports, Wayne copy a korean movie from my laptop, titled "Who slept with her(誰和她睡覺了)".
It's a humour movie lai d(something like american pie lo)..

Then he passed that pendrive to Fai Ko (coz he needs to do his favours for all of us~~~Printing reports..thanks in advance).

But....When he look at that video, he said:"誰和她睡覺了??咩黎??"
Wayne replied:“Video黎geh....從ah chai電腦copy的....”
Hui:"阿財d野一定唔系好野!! 好,抄左佢先....."

All of us:"............"

Friday, March 6, 2009

In Memories of Chai~~

Today ler... haih... almost all the survivors were infected while the rescue is coming.. the only survivor that get into the rescue boat is.... ME~!

And im here just to say some words on behalf of Chai.. one of our survivors member who get infected 无端端-ly in the end.. T.T

Figure 1.(captured at Saturday,7 March 2009)
As you all can see from Figure 1(the pink line),  "im我的野蛮女友。。=p im" is our 辉哥's msn contact. And his PM stated "no more l4d until coming wed.. who call me also no on.."

BUT,  you guys see the picture below....

Figure 2. The last word from Chai...

Today ler after our Power System class started and ended earlier, then we waiting outside DK1. In the end ler, Choy Kit said no on because he no drive today, have to follow Kok Meng's motor back. So again 辉哥(motor driver) send me to tarc to get taxi.. 

When i reached home and my step into my room.. (2:02pm), i receive this sms...(Figure 2.). Only i know they all at Wangsa Maju V2 again...

My last word for 辉哥also same as Chai... "PUIk"~!

.... l4d really 害人不浅 ....


看图作文之analogue lab 1

Haih... sorry la dear readers stop blogging for such a long time... all day long busy... got free time also been smoked by classmates... ask them all 乖乖地返屋企读书 also dont want.. 
Now got time so come out with this post.. its quite long ago de.. is bout our 明少 in our analogue lab..

So this is the lab and all the intrum
ents we're using to do the lab... early morning at the digital lab which we found after walk alot of 冤枉路 (thanks to Peck Hong) XD...

Then we started to connect all the cirsuits to get the results.. wanna fast fast finish the lab and find somewhere to sleep... (its 8am lab ler~) The lab is all bout understanding the transmission of AM modulation... is something like the FM radio thingy..

When chai and i done connecting the circuit..its really exciting to get the result asap...BUT..... the circuit never produce the expected result lo... when we ask the lecturer come over to check for us, he just give us one sentence after looking awhile at the circuit------->" must be the circuit problem ler".. WALAO~!! geng... and speechless.. 

After so many checking and struggle, finally we decide to change the breadboard(breadboard? coz it looks like a bread.. lol). And guess what??!! within 5 minutes, we get what we want just like the first picture's digital oscilloscope.
And this picture shows the first board which makes us cant get the result..(we believe is the breadboard problem la~)

3. Haih...another speechless la~! So we finally get the things we want..  We finish getting th results in some half an hour time.. and the 3rd picture is the circuit that works...

This is not the most绝 issue of the day lo... cause we have our Smoker 大哥 coming so "early" lo.. He come early and go to toilet for 2 and 30 minutes lo.. and our teik hui cham... being cheated.. he received a msg in the morning stated------> "You do first, join you later." And the LATER is after 2 and half hours later..

4. BUT, the most important thing i want to share bout the lab ler.. has finally came...

Do you guys know whats this?? If dunno then let me 开估ler, This is the button that leads you to the UTAR's Dean~~!! And our 明少 again.. walao.. he just go and press the button donno out of what purpose... and the whole lab suddenly "dum" and no electricity... "Walao~! see also know is emergency button lo.." really chi sin ppl do labs... i finish copy all the results la, but feel sorry to those who havent done their lab... sad.... Actually i still got another picture showing a paper in another lab room.. stick beside the Dean's calling Button.. writing something like this. "Please do not simply press this button, if someone who do so, he/she 'll be bring to the Dean.." When we saw the notes there, really wanna bring our 明少to the Dean one.. haha... but just kidding la.. 

Anyway... again is Chi Sin ppl do lab lo.. "ppl do lab, we also do the same lab" but we can make so many funny and extreme issues... really........"           "(anywords will do ler..speechless)..

Tired liao... want sleep liao.. got replacement class at 2pm? or 230pm? @.@ im dead and thats all for "this morning" la..

纯属 ‘实’ 构,如有雷同,实属巧合
| I.Akimoto |

06 March Friday~~Walao this time Thaipusam whole course go LEFT 4 DEAD!!!

Successfully woke up at 9am and hence i go 10am class 2gether with teik hui.
10am class, Analogue Communication, such a surprise becoz lecturer changed already.
Those who no come sure regret 1 becoz he taught very clear and 精彩...

11am ended, me teik hui kok meng go V2 for a champaign 1st.
Then something very 绝 happen again lo.
Teik hui called someone 2 wake him up and inform him tat that V2 gal working now。

Walao he 好狼死啊..Straight say he will come V2 lo and ask us wait him...!! Geng ar!!
Finish one round hospital then we go UTAR again.

Manatahu ler...历史性的一刻终于诞生了!!!
Reach UTAR and get 2 know there is no Electricity,wow!!!!

Met wayne,phek hong,han ting & tai wei, then plus me, teik hui, choy kit and kok meng, ngam ngam hou 8 ppl!!!
So someone suggested>>>不如打VS mode lo??

Walao, all people on...!!!
Then i 4got jor is who,maybe is teik hui asking:"佢地都唔知on唔on【means hanting them】"

Hanting straight away 炸出一句:“谁讲不on!!!!????”
really 扎到!!!!

Well what a 一网打尽!!!
one car,2 motors>>>8 people!!!

Finish jor Vs mode then go Micropreoccessor class,manatau one hour only the LECTURER announced:"Today we finish earlier la, one hour enough...."

within one second only we all clap like crazy people...!!!
Ho ho..whole class shouting(i think is we few ppl only la xtually)...

Again,someone (i think is choy kit la)suggest:"咁high,不如继续咯??"

Pity ah wayne lo he keep on saying 乖啦你地返屋企读书啦 but no body diu him...Lol...
finally he also 乖乖地 follow 大队 go wangsa maju...

Final result:me+hui+kok meng VS choykit+wayne...We won!!
Teik hui's 今日金句:“原来ah wayne玩最后一关好差既咯!!!”


Really is 疯狂的一天!!!
Crazy batch, carzy frenz!!!!

05 March 2009~~Memorable Day!!

Quite a memeorable day because our Fai Ko【teik hui】 first time skip class bacause of over slept for this season.
Ho HO ho....

Well, due to raining, we all not attending the noon class(power system) at 2pm.
Who knows that cute cute Dr. Niranja suddenly announced that there will be lab on that day (3pm)!!!

And, something very 绝 is that what our 明少 【kok meng】 did....
He call us on 2.55pm and tell us we got lab at 3pm......
Actually me teik hui and ah wayne still ok lo, but choy kit how to come ler..............

Anyway finally we all also present 2 the lab and we're there at 4pm.
One hour late because need wait choy kit come fetch us (coz raining).
I think we late also becoz of choy kit lo...【驾车慢到死...Lolx...Haha】

Finally we juz used up to 40 minutes only then settled the lab alrdy..
Used 15 minutes for copying data and blah blah blah, then sth terrible occured...!!!

We saw choy kit spawned as a Smoker and then he smoked all of us onto his car and drive towards V2(wangsa maju cyber cafe)..
This time really 一网打尽 la......
Then, needless 2 say...
Again is LEFT 4 DEAD..

gao dim...
Such a meaningful day....

Microprocessor Lab Incident~~Walao so damn Funny!!!!

This is 正確的示范!!By Chai and Wayne's group...

coming soon

Reserved 4 some old jokes!!



We're back!!!
Due to the test on 25 Feb,we have alrdy stop blogging during these 3 weeks.

Anyway, im here announce that WE ARE BACK!!!!

P/S:Hello the other author pls do work also la i very tired ler always I write only...

Monday, March 2, 2009

CHAI's Theorem!!!


Applicable when exam or test getting nearer!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Some Power System issues...

Recently there's alot of issues our Power System's class. Especially our lecturer, he's too 搞笑 (funny) , i only can use one word to describe all these---- speechless... the following is a story told by him (but he told us is a joke):

There's a boy and a girl, and the boy like the girl but he dunno how to express to the girl bout it. So one day, the boy visit the girl at her house. 
Girl: " Do you want some Tea? "
Boy: " I want next to Tea(T). "

Besides this 'joke', he also has a special ability and the following is a video taken. 

Another issue is the one posted by Noname.. haha, Teik Hui became dead cat today, so cham.. but the following issue you gonna be dead cat again ah. XD.

Can you guys read what's the word in the red circle?? 
Our fai ko (again) said it's "P20b"
Answer:  "Prob".

So now you guys know why in our previous post talked about la?
~Power System:
他教得很精彩 我听得很模糊(thanks to his special slang english)~

Anyway, our Flickr was updated with some  爆炸性(explosive?)pictures. Feel free to visit ya.
p/s: " Sorry Teik Hui, after i see through the picture again, it really looks like 'P20b'. Haha"


Power System lecturer got one leg with Teik Hui??他们竟然有一腿??

16/02/09 Power System tutorial class>>>Pure copying tutorial question only.
Dr Niranja seems quite disappointed with our attitude coz we all not bothering his question and never "diu" him.

At this moment, our "fai ko" teik hui successfully gain a good impression in front of Dr Niranja. He answered almost every questions asked by Dr Niranja and Dr Niranja purposely praised him before tutorial class dismiss.

He said:"Obviously all of u havent started doing revision yet, except him(pointing to teik hui), at least he knows how to "choi sam(除衫).........""
Those don't understand can refer to Appendix A....

Fai ko>>>>

Appendix A:
Power given is 480V(for a balanced 3 phased system). So what is the power per phase?
Teik hui answered:"divide by 3....."

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Not i wan de..I was forced...!!! (part 2)

Dont need to say much ler.. He only told me "not i wan de.. i was forced...!!!" Finally caught u.. Got video somemore.. haha.. 

Anyway, there is one more person that we haven caught him sleep in class lo.. u know i know who la.. Nvm, just have to wait for the time..

~ I.Akimoto ~

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Today 10/02/09 ........haih ppl skip class again...

Well...there is 3 hours class 2day, and our dai ko~~choy kit skip class again..
Bravo bro!!!
I think ur mom will think tuesday is holiday again.......

ermmm...back to the serious topic...
circuit and system as confused as usual and he let us out at 12.48[as early as usual too]

Fortunately Microprocessor and Microcontroller Systems not that tough and thanks to the lecturer again here...
But there is something bad happened...
someone slept again during his lecture...
hope he will not repeat this again next time and hope that i will not been captured my sleeping photo by him...

2 phones capturing at the same time

Friday, February 6, 2009

~ 3E疯狂 Photo Album ~

As you can see from the title, we're making our very own Photo Album to collect our photos that we take from time to time for our activities...

This is the Flickr link of our photo album:

Note to Chai: Copy the link to our blog lo, so that easy to find ma.. hehe..


Some comments for All our Lecturers~~~一句短评

Power System:
他教得很精彩 我听得很模糊(thanks to his special slang english)

Microprocessor and Microcontroller Systems
他教得很清楚 我听得很满足

Circuits and Systems

Analogue Communications
对不起 我又skip你的class了

Introductory Electromagnetics
1st one(4got his face)>>>4got jor...
2nd one(smiley guy)>>笑容可掬 教书功力麻麻 催眠功力一流
3rd one(female)>>麻烦你的mic拿靠近一点 我听不到

Credit to Microprocessor and microcontroller System lecturer

At least let us feel that attending class is still meaningful and make us forget the terrible lesson by Introductory Electromagnetic lecturer.

thanks a lot

p/s:wayne later send me his photo

sorry...teik hui remind me tat got someone sleep during his class...i was froced again 2 post this photo out....

updated on 9.15pm

Thursday, February 5, 2009

DId Ngai Kok Meng interested in Siew Li?

This is siew li anyway...

Not i wan de..I was forced...!!!

Microprocessor Lab 1~~~

7心ppl do lab
but succesfully got the correct outcome expected by lecturer...

Photo Sharing Area~~

Office people said we will not moving 2 this place d....

Results after a lab session hardwork

Who the hell are us?????

u all know who u are la har...